Saturday, July 28, 2007

At the beach - 23rd of May 2007

At the beach on a winter day

We can catch that water..I'm sure!!

Buliding castles with Granma

Swirls in the sand

Hi all
Yeap..the weather was average but when a girl wants to go to the beach
what do you do!!!. Immie had wanted to go to the beach for a while, but everytime
she was home the weather was rotten or she felt rotten. Finally we got to and she had
wonderful time running and playing. We even enjoyed an ice cream after at Cold
Remember to enjoy every day, who knows when it will be your last!!
The Holmes Gang
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23rd of May 2007 - Together

My Three Favourite people together -
Daddy, Kods and Immie

What fluffy hair!!

All eating dinner..this is actually a big deal as we don't get to do it much lately
and also Immie was eating dinner which is a nice suprise, as this happens rarely.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

At Margaret's

Feeding fish at Margaret's in her gorgeous pond

Smiles for Margaret

The Boys in the bouncy castle

Hi all

Went to see Alex on this day because we did not get there for his birthday
due to the nasal gastric tube coming out again. So...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!!!
Love The Holmes Gang

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back to hospital..after the PARTY

Opening presents with Dhani

Being preoccupied with The glow sticks

Then the stickers for the face, the rest is not for photo
viewing, all I can say it took 4 times to get the tube down : (

Immie busy doing art work...clever girl
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Off to Dhani boys party

Immie nasal gastric tube free and foot loose!!!
My two babies
Keeping an eye on us
Kods, Jas, Immie and Dhani - at Dhani's Party!!!

On the way to Dhani's 3rd Birthday on 19th of May
Immie managed to spew the nasal gastric tube up again!!.
Before we knew it was up and out, and the party clothes
were now holding a different odour, thankfully
mum packed seconds - hurray!!!

Brothers are

Brothers are....

wonderful, funny, PATIENT, helpful

Trouble making, Special and sweet
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Hurray let's go home

Immie and Daddy at home together
Back in her sandpit
On the way home from a long stay in hospital

19th of May 2007
Still trying to find this picture???

and faithful Molly.
In hospital from the 9th of May - 17th of May

Hi all

The nightmare did not end there, we end up going back to hospital on Friday and Saturday.. yeap once a day to put the nasal gastric tube back in. That would have to be one of the most tramatic things to do to a small child that has no idea it is for their own good......

Love The Holmes Gang

More pics with immie looking alot better

Immie being cheeky..thata girl!!!

Smiles as Immie bounces back

Immie looking herself

When you can't bet them join them...the bib pair..
what ever makes them smile hey?
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A little better

Immie trying her best to smile and hold in the drool Monkey being a baby
Smiling..even with the board and drip attached to her arm
Immie and Her Daddy xx

An awful cycle of Chemo

Immie not looking so good : (
Us...on Mothers Day
Me and My mummy
Immie holding her head up to keep in the drool
Hi all
I would not have wished this hospital visit on anyone,
After Cycle 3 Immie developed a temp, an a bad infection,
she also had mouth and throat ulcers. It was bloody awful,
our poor baby did not want to swallow as it hurt too much.
Heart breaking would be a word that I would use, and useless
another as there was nothing you could do for her except let the
neurtrophilis climb up and make her better. There is nothing
worse then feeling hopeless to be able to make your baby better.
I think this would have been our worse visit ever, all the while the
docs were trying to find an antibiotic that would work for her.
I was told "don't ask" when I asked how many antibiotics had they
tried. The first days of this were the worse, Immie laid there
not doing anything, not complaining though from the
drooling you could tell she must be in pain, she was not happy.
The body is an amazing machine, but it seemed Immie had
reach her level of poison she could handle...and then up pop
Immie, smiling even though she was drooling and in pain and
slowly she got better and got to come home...
Must have been all those positive thoughts and prayers
you and we sent Thank you it meant the world
Love The Holmes Gang x

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Poster for Daycare

I made this poster to show Imogen's
Daycare what had been happening to her through
out the journey of her battle with this monster.
Daycare had been so kind in allowing us to
park at their daycare located close to
PMH and sent an album with pics of all the kids,
Imogen loves to look through it
and talk about all the kids,
The Holmes Gang
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Hurray we are going home!!

HURRAY!!! we are going home...with
nurse Sharon in tow xx

Imogen had been nagging for about
an hour to go home and chucking patties
when we did not leave within 5 secs
of it being mentioned. As you can see
she is very upset to be leaving..NOT

Nana and Pop came to visit after we got back
from hospital to give Immie her birthday
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more happy snaps

A little blurry..but love this face..she was prob
saying NO MORE CHEESE!! ( this is what she says
when you take a pic...CHEESE!!)

close encounters of her hand

Everyone clap

All snuggle up in new pjs, thanks
sam, russ, blake and rhys
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